Saturday, October 5, 2013

No matter what happens to you, keep going because life is always always worth fighting for :)

Hi guys, My name is Bree.

I am full of Hope that I can take you into all different directions from serious, funny, Inspirational, deep thoughts to even Things that I have my fingers crossed of what I accomplish, or as my little wishes and Dreams start to happen. Through the years I have had so many friends and family tell me that I need to write a book about my life. I found this amazing blog site and thought it would be much easier for me too just to write it here. 
I have a hard time trying to focus so I hope this will help me. 
So far I love it.

I am a never ending book, and this is only just a small chapter into my life.  I tend to hide a lot and I need to be more open. Even though it so hard, I have a part of me that says it's unfair to keep what everyone has the right to know about me from inside. I know life can be hard, I know life can be unfair and if I can be an inspiration or someone to help with "No matter what happens, always keep going because life is always always worth fighting for" More softly knowing that " Hey I understand when things get hard" So here I start of where I should 
with the questions that I have had the most, I know there is a few people out there who don't know or scared to ask cause I have some visible and invisible things about me and It's ok, I would be too :)
 I'll just start here.
Before I start,

Please Please promise me you won't Feel bad for me, This is what Life is about 

This is Just a part of my story :)

I'm going to start off as a little girl. it's Where my little journey had started.

From the day I was born I ended up getting a nickname "Little Peanut" From the Doctor who delivered me just because I was very tiny. Let's just say I have worn that name very well, even though I am allergic to them lol. I am really sure the doctor put a curse on it, except for it a strange allergy where it come's and goes :)

It was around the age of 6 when everyone started to notice that I wasn't really the size where I should be, instead I was a size of a 2 year old. Instead of a diagnoses right away, the Doctor said "This girl just needs to eat". Well instead of Growing taller, I was growing outwards. I look at my photo's as a kid and It make's me laugh. I looked like a little Potato :D It's so cute.

The Teachers still tell me everytime they see me, how they would know it was me at the lunch counter, is all they would see is little hands waving above the counter so they didn't forget me. It make's me laugh everytime. I love that so much, It's a little memory that they can hold onto :)
I do remember I had to use many books underneath me just to be able too eat at the lunch table and they had to make a very small desk for me to be in class in. A few months ago, I seen it again. I was so surprised they still had it. 
One thing I have to admit is that I was so spoiled. I call it being lazy, the teachers would carry me to different classes just because they thought I was the cutest little thing ever :)

I did eventually had to be put on Growth Hormone Shots to Grow, the doctors found a tumor on my Pituitary Gland. It's ok though, it isn't Cancerous. I still have it.

 but, there's something more serious going on, that I'm going to go deeper into.

It was around 8th grade is where my Life started to Change little by little And so far there has been a lot of eye openers. I didn't really have a choice but to look at life a little differently from there. 

It is a really hard subject but way more harder for the one's who love me and who accepts me into their life. I'm ok going through it, but i'm not ok that it's hurting the one's who love me.

It was a beautiful Sunday, My day started out good, just like a regular day. I was very lucky girl that an EMT was right there when I needed help. It was the day I had my first Seizure, I don't remember the first ambulance ride but I do remember being put into another Ambulance for them to transfer me 120 miles away to another hospital where I spent so many days just sleeping. The seizure had worn me out, but it was going to be ok, well...I thought it was.

When I was finally alert and fully awake the doctor came in to talk to me, what caught me off guard is his face, I knew whatever it was, it wasn't good.  At that time I had no idea what they were.
I didn't understand fully, so I went on like they were nothing because the doctor told me that they were little but they would do a check up every 6 months to see if there were any changes. Their called Cerebral Cavernous Malformation and Arteriovenous Malformation. 

It's a really heavy illness. They are Aneurysms that grow and spread throughout my Brain or at least we thought it would only stay in that area.
After I was released to go home, It was around that time when My Seizure's were happening more and more. We went through many different meds to try to figure a way to stop them or at least try to slow them.

In school, I didn't feel the need to explain to anyone what was going on and I tried too hide it the best I could. I had so many aweful, hurtful words towards me cause I would be fine and then next thing I was having a seizure. But they didn't really understand what It's like being trapped in a body that I couldn't control.

It was around August 9th, is when my illness started to show itself. The night before it was just like any normal afternoons hanging out with my friends not knowing that soon I was going to have a totally different life.

When I woke up the next morning, it's the day that my life would change forever. 

I didn't have any pain at all, the only thing that was different was that my legs weren't moving. At that time the only thought that came to me was that they were asleep so I didn't think of it and so I took another nap for a few hours.
 It was 2 hours later when I woke up again and then it hit me that something was really wrong because my legs still weren't moving and I couldn't feel them, It was hard to even sit up.

When I got to the hospital, they rushed me in to do a quick MRI scan on my spine to see what was going on, all I could think of was that maybe I messed up my back somehow and that everything will be fine, I was looking forward with a positive side of going back home.

I Just barely got out of the machine and they had a Mercy flight Jet coming to take me from Montana to Seattle hospital. They couldn't wait for a helicopter because I was in critical condition. All I remember is being loaded up into the Ambulance again to take me to the Jet.

Before I reached the Trauma Center, Harborview hospital. They had put me into a kind of a Coma where I slept for 2 weeks. I didn't even know that I was in CICU, (Critical Intensive Care Unit), it's a step up from ICU, where the worst patients go.

I do remember When The doctor started to let me wake up, he was sitting by my bed talking to me. I could tell there was something wrong, cause he had the same look on his face like the doctor I had in 8th grade.
While he was talking, The words were becoming a blur when He started to say that he was Sorry, because I had an aneurysm burst on my spine which did massive damage, I was now a T6 Paraplegic, meaning I have no feeling or movement from the chest down. It was the worst feeling I have ever had. I just kind of went numb for a few days after he told me that I will never be able to walk again.
I never did cry, I came close a few time's.

To be honest what kept me strong is the patients. I had a nickname from them "The beautiful smiley girl in the yellow wheelchair" lol

I didn't stay strong for me, I stayed strong for the other patients who were on the same floor with me. I knew that they were in the same shape as me and I couldn't help but to bring a little sunshine into their life to help them cope a little better :)

Because of that,

I had made a ton of friends. There were patients that I didn't know who they were but they knew my name. 

While I was there for another 2 weeks, I never did bring up anything to them about myself, even though everyone on that floor knew something was wrong because I was always being taken down to the MRI machines. It's where I found out that my Little Aneurysms on my brain, had turned into multiple and grown into a grape size. A lot more then the last time I had a check up, it's also where they had found out that I have one in my C2 Spine, which can paralyze me from the neck down whenever it wants too.

I know one thing for sure is If it does, I will be ok. My arms or legs don't make me who I am, The only thing that I ever need is my heart, a heart full of nothing but love. That is what make's me who I am 

On the very last day in the hospital, seeing the patients with tears in their eye's because I was leaving really broke my heart, but I couldn't help to make them laugh just one more time so they felt a little better.
The whole time in the hospital, what they didn't know is that they were the one's that helped me get through a really rough spot in my life :)

On the Train ride home, I was in a deep thought most of the time, not saying much and keeping to myself. I knew that I was going back to a town where I would be a different Bree then everyone has known. I was worried about my friends, who hadn't seen me for a month because I was states away, I knew that it would hit them hard and it did.
That night I went to the football game to watch my buddy's. It was so hard seeing my big tough friends tear up after the game visiting with me.
For those that know me, Knows that I will always find a way to help other's feel comfortable and even throw out some joke's to make others laugh and feel a little bit better. To this day, my buddy's and I will go back and forth making each other laugh. For example If I get stuck in the mud or snow, "Where did I put my chains for my wheels at?" or to even "Watch this" as I fly down the ramp and hit the bottom where there's ice just to slide. 

Going through the years wasn't bad at all. I started to become really good with the chair, at time's I scare myself. I still got that little Daredevil side of me :)

~Where I am at today~

I'm pretty sure a lot who read this, know that I always say
"Life is too short"

And when I say this, it's cause I know.

I have been told that there is nothing that they can do about the Aneurysms on my brain. The last MRI they did after having 2 strokes, it didn't look very good. They still offer to have Scans done but only to tell me for time limits.

I have chosen not too because I want to stay positive.

It was my decision and the doctors fully understand.
Nobody wants to know when it will be their time.

Being so young, I still want to go on just like nothing is wrong, even though I am reminded every morning when I get into my chair.

I always say that i'm going to live for a long long time until i'm 160 years old :) I have dreams, wishes and things left that I want to accomplish, seeing the ocean and to help as many people as much as I can. It's what my heart is about, I don't do it to make myself feel better, I do it for them. I've done a lot so far, I became a Storm Chaser, which is something I wanted too do since I was little and Another thing I can do too help others. And i'm a recording artist. I have CD's out there. My music has been played on TV and Radio. I've been on a cover of a magazine and so much other things including a Model.

I have so many people tell me that i'm their inspiration, But what everyone doesn't know is that you are my inspiration for staying with me through this. I have met so many amazing friends/family that I love and hold close to my heart. One's I've known my whole life or met through twitter, facebook, Younow. Even the one's that I just met yesterday or the day before, months ago or even seconds ago, You are my family, always will be. I'm not the only one that is going through all of this, they are too. It take's someone so strong to stay in someone's life that is sick and when you never know when it will be time. And I thank you for that. Thank you for being my family.


My illness will never get better but only worse. There is no cure. I am Now Terminal, meaning it can be any day. I am someone who live's Minute by Minute ♥ I cherish every second I have. 

Once in awhile I do get scared.

Especially at night before I go too sleep. If i'm not feeling too  

well Sometime's i'll go a few
days because I'm afraid I won't 

wake up the next day. It's a feeling that Nobody should  

ever  have  to go through. 

But Most of the nights I do accept it. 


There has been time's that I have been stubborn, going from doctor to doctor, to find one that could save me.

I was turned down all treatments, Radiation, Surgery, Even Gamma Knife.
My records have went all the way across the US and even over seas. I still have days that I do go into these desperate times where I start thinking that there has to be something that can be done, even though there isn't  

And My little body is having a really hard time. I call them my little monsters. No matter how much I keep pushing back, they push back harder. 

The last few months have been an eye opener to me, where eating has become difficult for me and they found out that my brain bleeds is now putting pressure on an area that is causing me to have heart problems too, and same thing there's nothing they can do. 
Lately I'm finding it easier to just accept it, because I know when it's time for me to go home or wherever we go after were done here, everything will be ok and the pain that I have, I won't have anymore cause I'll be dancing in the milkyway in the stars and northern lights. That's where i'll be 

I've always tried to be a strong girl, My whole life I have been fighting one of the hardest battle's life could give you, and that's to fight too keep living ♥ 

I just recently had a doctor appointment, just to meet the new doctor so that way I can still get meds for my Seizure's. She is a sweetheart, I felt really bad for her though. When she looked through my medical records, she shut them and just sat there quietly for a few seconds. It was the look that doctors give you when they are telling you for the first time of bad news. I couldn't help but to smile at her and tell her that it's ok, I already know. Then we went through if I had a Neurologist or a Neurosurgeon. Which I don't because they have even turned me down also saying that there wasn't anything they could do. I will never forget her saying "Well that's the kind of news you don't want to hear". lol I couldn't help but to laugh which it made her too. It relaxed her a little bit which is what I wanted. She told me that I have an amazing positive attitude as she would cry all the time.

I like her honesty, same with the doctor that I had before her who talked about death. Not alot of them are strong enough to do that and I look up to them for that, as I do with so many others  

One thing that I am thankful for is that they will keep me comfortable as much as they can  

Even though everything is pointing out that there is no chance, 
I still have that little hope in me 

I was born as a fighter and I'm going to keep fighting until I can't anymore.

It Brings me back to the Title of this Blog Post.
 ♥ No matter what happens to you, keep going because life is always always worth fighting for :) 


  1. NO words can I express what is felt for you our sweet Bree, this overwhelming feeling of Love. You inspire people just by your smile and your voice which echoes angels. Love and many Blessings to a true angel.

  2. I am so proud of you starting this blog, great :) really wonderful :) Love you bunches xoxoxoxo

  3. OMG Bree I had no idea you had this Blog Page I loved it...You are such an amazing person on this Earth what a joy you are.. I just love ya girl... Christina Nelson

    1. aww thank you, Your Amazing person too, Love you Too <3 <3 <3 <3 :)

  4. Wow, agree with Christina N. Love, Love it..

  5. I just read it Bree. I am at Curious Times sometimes and I know you. You are so sweet and kind. So fun too!! You are inspiration to me. I think I am ill and then read what you have. Wow!! I know that you are an angel here on earth as your name says!! Thanks Bree!! God bless you!!! Jan xo <3

  6. Bree you must be one of the most insperational, truly selfless people I have ever had the pleasure of speaking with. Even though we have never meet and were only awear of each others existence a few days ago after being paired up in a closed fb group I felt instantly almost, connected and I knw without you even saying or touching upon yr life that you were incredible and had so much give for everyone you come into contact with. I can really empathise with you on helping others helps you even though, nothing in comparison. I to find comfort from helping others but you take this to some kind of nxt level u truly are lightwrker of highest callings I think ♡♥♡

  7. wishing you all my best and i wish i could help you

  8. You are a special angel a truly great person and a inspiration to all. I'm so very sorry you must go through all this and wish I could help. Thank you for sharing your story I admire you and send prayers. ❤️

  9. Bless you Bree, you have such an amazing soul. You are quite an inspiration and I feel so special to have had our paths cross. Much light and love to you always <3

